发布时间:2016-05-12 作者:十大正规外围买球网站研究生会 来源:中南大学十大正规外围买球网站 浏览次数:
2016年5月4日下午3:00,西班牙IMDEA材料研究所创始人兼主任、马德里理工大学先进结构材料和纳米材料研究组组长Javier Llorca院士莅临我院交流,并为广大师生作了题为“金属材料虚拟设计的多尺度建模策略”的学术报告。报告会由十大正规外围买球网站江勇教授主持,副院长刘立斌教授、李赛毅教授、郑峰教授、刘会群副教授及十大正规外围买球网站六十多位本科生及研究生到场参加此次报告,同学们积极踊跃,会议室座无虚席。
首先,Javier Llorca院士详细介绍了工程应用合金的虚拟设计、虚拟加工和虚拟测试的多尺度模拟策略建模的原理。随后,Javier Llorca院士分享了两个多尺度建模策略成功应用的案例。第一个例子论述了MAR247镍基高温合金在铸造过程中对喷嘴导向叶片的晶粒尺寸和气孔率的模拟。第二个例子是从由材料的晶粒尺寸、形状和位向分布构建的微观结构中,选取代表单元,利用计算均匀化方法对AZ31镁合金和IN718镍基合金的力学性能进行预测。
报告结束后,李赛毅教授、江勇教授和部分研究生围绕报告内容和Javier Llorca院士进行了精彩的互动。报告会气氛活跃,老师与同学们都表示受益匪浅。
Prof. Javier LLorca graduated in Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid in 1983. He got his Ph. D. in Materials Science at the same institution in 1986 and was appointed Associate Professor in the Department of Materials Science in 1987 and Professor in 1995. Since 2007, he is director and founder of the IMDEA Materials Institute and head of the research group on “Advanced Structural Materials and Nanomaterials” at the Technical University of Madrid. Prof. LLorca is a Fellow of the European Mechanics Society and member of the Academia European, and Associate Editor of Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Composites Science and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering A, International Journal of Multiscale Computational Engineering, and International Journal of Engineering Sciences. He has held visiting positions at Brown University, Indian Institute of Science, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He belongs to the European Mechanics of Materials Conference Committee, to the Multiscale Modelling of Materials Conferences International Advisory Board, and to the External Advisory Panel, Institute of Materials (Georgia Tech)