发布时间:2016-07-23 作者:J. Hirsch教授 来源: 浏览次数:
受张新明教授邀请,国际铝合金会议(ICAA)主席J. Hirsch教授在我院进行了专场学术沙龙交流报告。J. Hirsch教授在报告中就铝合金的发展进行了简要介绍,作为重要的轻质结构材料,铝合金的发展在人类社会发展过程中起到了重要的作用。而今,随着在航空航天、汽车等领域减重要求的增加,可靠、轻质高强、低成本的材料成为研究的主要方向。J. Hirsch教授作为本届ICAA会议专家委员会主席,对我院在铝合金方面的研究做出了极高的评价,同时也对未来铝合金的研究方向进行了介绍。
报告结束后,J. Hirsch教授及张新明教授对到场同学提出的问题进行了热情回答,现场互动气氛热烈,各位研究生都在交流中收获颇多。,
Professor Dr.-Ing. Jurgen Hirsch studied (and teaches) materia science and physical metallurgy at the technical university (RWTH) of Aachen. Since 1988 he works in the Aluminium industry, as a”senior scientist”at the R&D center of Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH - R&D Center Bonn(former VAW-aluminium-AG) in Bonn/Germany. He has built his intemational reputation in research on physical metallurgy of Aluminium fundamentals (textures), production, application and simulation. He is head of the intemational Conference of Aluminium Alloys 6ICAA'! and active in the“Education and Technical Committee¨ of the EAA(European Aluminium Association) where he initiates and runs international R&D and education projects e.g.“AluMatter").