发布时间:2018-09-20 作者:夏克农(Kenong Xia, University of Melbourne, 来源: 浏览次数:
受刘志义教授邀请,夏克农教授(Kenong Xia, University of Melbourne, Australia)做了题为“Powder consolidation, multiphase/multiscale materials and novel structures/compositions achieved by severe plastic deformation”的学术报告。报告中,夏克农教授使用过去十年的研究实例,提出了除晶粒细化以外的各种SPD应用。特别是,通过SPD固结颗粒合成了大块纯Al和Ti,Al / Ti合金,Al纳米复合材料,通过机械活化和强制合金化在Ti中产生了包括fcc在内的不寻常结构,在SPD的辅助下产生了纳米晶β钛合金。诱导相变,Ti加工芯片以固态再循环。讨论了挑战和机遇。报告结束后,夏克农教授与在场师生进行了热烈的交流,细心回答了现场所提出的问题,现场气氛十分活跃。
Prof. Kenong Xia received his Ph.D. degree (1988) in Materials Science from University of Southern California, after obtaining B.E. (1982) and M.E. (1984) degrees in Materials Engineering from Northeastern University of China. Soon he joined the Advanced Materials Division at Comalco Research Centre (1988- 1992) as initially a research associate.Then he spent most of his academic careers at University of Melbourne, and during that period he was also an academic visitor at Department of Materials at University of Oxford (1998-1999). Since 2012, he has been a professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Melbourne. His current research interests include complex nanostructured alloys and composites, consolidation of particles by SPD, ultrafine grained and nanocrystalline materials, highly non-equilibrium alloys, materials in severe environments, and additive manufacturing and alloy development for novel applications. For his excellent contribution in the bulk nanostructured materials processed by SPD, he was invited for keynote speeches at many international conferences in USA, China, Germany, Japan and Australia. He currently serves on the editorial board for Materials Science & Engineering A, Materials Processing Science and Technology, and Key Engineering Materials.